The "Ruby on Rails (RoR)" Talk by Venkat of rKnowsys technologies started off with an almost packed audience of 30. Venkat kick started the meet by talking of the architectures of CGI and J2EE and how their drawbacks limited them to a small section of web applications. Then he
introduced the audience to Ruby, the language behind the RoR Web framework. Next he discussed the Model-View-Controller(MVC) based Ruby on Rails and signed off by showing a small demo.
I would like to thank the speaker, Mr. Hasan of the astronomy department, the faculty and research scholars who arranged the meet this month.
Minutes of the November month meet
Monthly meet of India Linux User Group - Hyderabad Chapter
Date: 25 Nov 2007
Started: 14:00 IST
Venue: Auditorium, Dept of Astronomy, Osmania University
First Talk
Fedora 8 - Freedom is a feature
Speaker : Rahul Sundaram
Rahul started off about how the Fedora project started and the ideologies behind it Then he explained about the different acpects of the project There was also quick look into how the community initiatives led to the opening up of 'properitery' technologies we discussed about what was going on with Fedora and how others can get involved and contribute to it
Second Talk
Localization in KDE
Speaker : Pavithran Shakamuri
Pavithran started about the language barriers fo technologies and reasons and methods ot overcome it He then spoke about how to translate strings and literals to other languages in KDE
Special thanks to all the sponsors and to Dept of Astronomy, Osmania University for hosting the meet
Monthly meet of India Linux User Group - Hyderabad Chapter
Date: 28 Oct 2007
Started: 14:30 IST
Venue: Auditorium, Dept of Astronomy, Osmania University
This month's meet was at a new place and a new schedule The venue had been moved to the Auditorium of the Dept. of Astronomy, Osmania University (opposite Arts College, beside Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics) and the time also had been changed to the last Sunday afternoon 14:00
First Talk:
Introduction to OpenMoko
By Shakthi Kannan
The speaker started off with an intro to the device and the accessories that came with it - Neo 1973 he also showed the site and its wiki Then we went on to the presentation he mentioned that recommended flavor for working on openmoko is debian or debian based like ubuntu we went on to installing it:
the two ways...
online - add to the apt repository list and install openembedded-seesntials and its dependencies using aptget offline - wget the source and then make setup building the applications:
openmoko can be run in qemu... but then qemu had issues in dev version so we SSHed into the phone and forward the GUI to the PC we tried building a simple "Hello World" app for the Neo. He explained about the basic of building the application and Makefile
Then, the speaker introduced the Autotools we discussed about ipk packaging and bitbake for the openmoko and building using make
we even played a Linkin park track off the phone! got a glimpse of its clear sound and video also tried to check out some of the videos of the phone on youtube but then the site was blocked on the proxy!!!
Also a quick look on the online docs on what can be done with the openmoko on the phone current one even has a terminal to play around with He also mentioned that the phone uses matchbox lightweight window manager and so some features similar to iPhone are also possible to built into it and its very customizable
The next version of Neo and Openmoko should have a better hardware and lot more features.
There are feeds of Neo and OpenMoko on
Second talk (The last 15 mins):
K C Ramakrishna from rKnowsys Technologies also gave an insight on how to get involved with free-software projects He also briefed about the advantage it has over the other regular oppurtunities
we pulled off this months meet as we were goose hunting for a new premises to host our monthly LUG meets, as the old location was heavily congested by traffic and the new flyover constructions.
This month the group participated MUKT.IN event.
Hi luggers,
This month we are not having the meet as most of the folks are showing great interest in the barcamp held in Banglalore. If you are guys are interested in attending as well... It is worth looking at the URL mentioned above.
Ok, so see you guys and have a great weekend !!
Thanks to all the folks who voted for the poll.. And those who haven't voted, please do it soon, as the poll is going to be closed by Jul 31st.
Sanjay Sha
The "Ruby on Rails (RoR)" Talk by Venkat of rKnowsys technologies started off with an almost packed audience of 30. Venkat kick started the meet by talking of the architectures of CGI and J2EE and how their drawbacks limited them to a small section of web applications. Then he
introduced the audience to Ruby, the language behind the RoR Web framework. Next he discussed the Model-View-Controller(MVC) based Ruby on Rails and signed off by showing a small demo.
I would like to thank the speaker, Mr. Hasan of the astronomy department, the faculty and research scholars who arranged the meet this month.
Minutes of the November month meet
Monthly meet of India Linux User Group - Hyderabad Chapter
Date: 25 Nov 2007
Started: 14:00 IST
Venue: Auditorium, Dept of Astronomy, Osmania University
First Talk
Fedora 8 - Freedom is a feature
Speaker : Rahul Sundaram
Rahul started off about how the Fedora project started and the ideologies behind it Then he explained about the different acpects of the project There was also quick look into how the community initiatives led to the opening up of 'properitery' technologies we discussed about what was going on with Fedora and how others can get involved and contribute to it
Second Talk
Localization in KDE
Speaker : Pavithran Shakamuri
Pavithran started about the language barriers fo technologies and reasons and methods ot overcome it He then spoke about how to translate strings and literals to other languages in KDE
Special thanks to all the sponsors and to Dept of Astronomy, Osmania University for hosting the meet
Monthly meet of India Linux User Group - Hyderabad Chapter
Date: 28 Oct 2007
Started: 14:30 IST
Venue: Auditorium, Dept of Astronomy, Osmania University
This month's meet was at a new place and a new schedule The venue had been moved to the Auditorium of the Dept. of Astronomy, Osmania University (opposite Arts College, beside Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics) and the time also had been changed to the last Sunday afternoon 14:00
First Talk:
Introduction to OpenMoko
By Shakthi Kannan
The speaker started off with an intro to the device and the accessories that came with it - Neo 1973 he also showed the site and its wiki Then we went on to the presentation he mentioned that recommended flavor for working on openmoko is debian or debian based like ubuntu we went on to installing it:
the two ways...
online - add to the apt repository list and install openembedded-seesntials and its dependencies using aptget offline - wget the source and then make setup building the applications:
openmoko can be run in qemu... but then qemu had issues in dev version so we SSHed into the phone and forward the GUI to the PC we tried building a simple "Hello World" app for the Neo. He explained about the basic of building the application and Makefile
Then, the speaker introduced the Autotools we discussed about ipk packaging and bitbake for the openmoko and building using make
we even played a Linkin park track off the phone! got a glimpse of its clear sound and video also tried to check out some of the videos of the phone on youtube but then the site was blocked on the proxy!!!
Also a quick look on the online docs on what can be done with the openmoko on the phone current one even has a terminal to play around with He also mentioned that the phone uses matchbox lightweight window manager and so some features similar to iPhone are also possible to built into it and its very customizable
The next version of Neo and Openmoko should have a better hardware and lot more features.
There are feeds of Neo and OpenMoko on
Second talk (The last 15 mins):
K C Ramakrishna from rKnowsys Technologies also gave an insight on how to get involved with free-software projects He also briefed about the advantage it has over the other regular oppurtunities
we pulled off this months meet as we were goose hunting for a new premises to host our monthly LUG meets, as the old location was heavily congested by traffic and the new flyover constructions.
This month the group participated MUKT.IN event.
Hi luggers,
This month we are not having the meet as most of the folks are showing great interest in the barcamp held in Banglalore. If you are guys are interested in attending as well... It is worth looking at the URL mentioned above.
Ok, so see you guys and have a great weekend !!
Thanks to all the folks who voted for the poll.. And those who haven't voted, please do it soon, as the poll is going to be closed by Jul 31st.
Sanjay Sha
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HI Guys
This is Ramkumar, working in Cytrion Technologies. I have been in opensource for almost more than 4 years.Working in Linux Networking and Development Side.
But i have not seen any new Updates in your Blog . It seems All the efforts that was put to Bring this Blog alive off course Giving Importance on Open source has gone dead. Their is no recent activity in this Blog.
Can I know the Mail ID Of the Moderator of this Blog so that lets see how we can make Furhter move to Make this Blog Alive
HI Guys
This is Ramkumar, working in Cytrion Technologies. I have been in open source for almost more than 4 years.Working in Linux Networking and Development Side.
But i have not seen any new Updates in your Blog . It seems All the efforts that was put to Bring this Blog alive off course Giving Importance on Open source has gone dead. Their is no recent activity in this Blog.
Can I know the Mail ID Of the Moderator of this Blog so that lets see how we can make Further progress to Make this Blog Alive And spread awareness on opensource
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